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IMPORTANT: Opening Tabs

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  5. IMPORTANT: Opening Tabs

IMPORTANT: Opening Tabs

Insomniac’s key feature is multi-session browsing. Each tab opens a brand new browsing session with a fresh cookie jar.

This generally works out of the box with every tab, however, there are cases, depending on how certain websites work, where some session data will be shared across tabs. The details of this are complicated and boring, so, to keep it simple, please see this chart so you know which tab types might share data.

Tab Opening MethodSession Data Shared?
Left click a link to open a new tabYes, data is possibly shared.
Clicking on the mouse wheel No, data is not shared.*
Right click a link to open a new tabNo, data is not shared.
Right click while holding CTRL Yes, data is possibly shared.
Open a tab from your bookmarksNo, data is not shared.
Open tabs from Link LauncherNo, data is not shared.
Open tabs using Duplicate Multiple TabsNo, data is not shared.
Open a new tab and past the URLNo, data is not shared.

*Please note that in our testing, clicking the mouse wheel kept sessions isolated, however there is a possibility that your custom mouse settings could interfere with this so we recommend using right click while we further investigate custom mouse settings and their affect on how tabs are opened.

As you can see, nearly every method of opening tabs will achieve isolated sessions EXCEPT for a left click or a right click while holding the CTRL key. The solution here is just to right click the links and select the option to open in a new tab, rather than left clicking. If there are sites that you left click from and do NOT have a problem, then you can continue to do so, but if you feel session data may be shared, please try one of the other tab opening methods described above.

In order to give more abilities for users to manage private sessions IB has introduced these new features:

– Custom descriptions for private sessions;
– “Duplicate with same session”, “Open Link in New Tab with this Session” and “Open Link in New Window with this Session” options.

With custom descriptions for private session one can store some arbitrary information, like accounts, which were used to login on some sites, or some card IDs to be used during purchases within the session.

Custom descriptions are stored between browser restarts if there is chosen “Continue where you left off” in IB’s startup settings.

“Duplicate with same session”, “Open Link in New Tab with this Session” and “Open Link in New Window with this Session” options give multiple ways to expand private session for multiple tabs.

One could select multiple tabs in a tab strip and invoke “Duplicate with same session” from context menu, so each new duplicated tab would have the same session, that it parent tab has.

Or one could invoke “Duplicate with same session”, “Open Link in New Tab with this Session” and “Open Link in New Window with this Session” options from web page’s context menu in order to open new tab with the same session current web page has.

Currently “Duplicate with same session”, “Open Link in New Tab with this Session” and “Open Link in New Window with this Session” options don’t have keyboard shortcuts and have to be invoked from context menus only.

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